Happy Anniversary Baby

Today marks the 15th anniversary of when Lorraine and I were married. Lorraine makes a much better post on the subject but I need to say that if given the opportunity to do it all over again, I would not hesitate.
In the words of the bard Ralph Cramden, “Baby, you’re the greatest”

Congratulations times 15.
Aw, Pookie. Me too!
Happy anniversary! (And I really love the rock).
awww thats beautiful.
i so want that with the nickster. either that or marriage, a quick and brutal divorce, lots of settlement money, and a cabana boy that i can grow old with hahaha!
no really though congrats you two. thats some beautiful stuff. :)
Happy anniversay man. I wish many, many more for you guys...
You two are awesome. I hope your kid realizes that she's got 2 great role models right in her own house.
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