Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Vacation, Now work SIGH

OK I am now back at my cube after a lovely five day respite. And I have been heads down slaving away so I thought I would come up for air and make a quick post. If for no other reason then to force that scary photo of a 70s pop star gone to seed.
We start primary photography of Sans vie this Friday and that is exciting. It is good to work with Mark and Matt has gotten his shit together and found a decent location for the bulk of the show.
Unfortunaley there are no functioning outlets in the set so we are going to have to tie in to the Bus Bars on the circuit breaker that feeds that floor and I have to remember to call the electricion about shutting the power to that service. But thats cool I have done it before it has just been a while.
More next week on the shoot coming up.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger Knitty Yas said...

look at you! you lucky ducky. i want a vacation. I wanna go to a convention. i dont know why... it just seems fun. lol

ps the Garrett pic scared the hell out of me.

At 4:36 AM, Blogger Grish said...

Sounds like fun, sorry about the 'having to return to work thingy' it sucks:P


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