Flight Simulater X

Elroy procured for me from his workplace a copy of Microsoft' Flight Simulator X.
I love the flight sims. I remember my first time on a sim back at this Apple store back in the 80s wherein I crashed a 747 into the dust from 30 k feet. I was hooked.
I have gone throught a lot of them in the past including the Microsoft Combat sims and those are a lot of fun running around dog fighting Germans and bombing Japanese shipping and they are based on the same physics engine found in their sim. A sim I personally feel is the best out there. The image is me flying south to San Francisco at about 15000 feet.
Flying is not about imelmans and Split S turns to out fox a Zero. It is about doing everything perfectly. Climb at the right rate. Maintain the correct Altitude and speed. Land right spot on everytime. Dont get lost. Dont run out of fuel. Sure it is geeky but not so much as the train simulator which I have also played.
So the new version is much better then that of the previous and far more stable. My old one would crash for no apparent reason and this one has no crashes.
So my Goal is to fly along the coast of the country from SEattle to Bangor Maine. So far I have worked my way down to Sandiego then to Houston and finally I am happly on the beach at Key West. The Next Leg takes me to Virginia finally to Maine.