Behind The Camera
The hardest part of making film is punching out the little holes.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Still Looking

Last night was our parish's annual Ministries dinner. Basically a feed put on by the parish staff to thank all the volunteers for providing time and talent to the various ministries. I drive a van once a month bringing elderly to mass on Sundays. Been doing so for over 10 years now. It is fun and they get us buzzed on wine that is much better then the comunion wine. In years past the food was provided by local restaurant icon Victor Roselinni. Sadly he passed a couple of years ago. But last night the feed was provided by the owners of Salumie who happen to be Iron Chef Mario Batalli's folks. It was delicious. Anyway I had sent a message to Fr. Ryan our priest asking if the Archdiocese had any sort of arts grant program that I could apply to for 'The Argument'. I never heard back from him. So last night I asked him if he had received my email and he said, "Sure, did you not get my reply?" Long story short, there are no grants but he did read the script and he liked it. Which made me feel good.
Still that leaves me with a financing conundrum that must be overcome before I can really ask much more from those involved. My next step will be to apply for local and national grants. I could get by with 2500 but I would like to pay my talent and stipend any crew and get a decent grip and lighting package. So that is the road I shall go down now.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Buddies 50th Birthday
Yesterday was the 50th birthday party for one of my oldest friends, Jim Burns. We have known each other since I was in the 3rd grade and he was in the 5th.
here are some pix from the party

This is the old gang such as we are. From left to right is Greg Craven, Jim Burns, Myself and Bob Rolf.

Jim sells paint for a Dupont. He spent last winter restoring this 64 Nova

A shot of the Name

This is the engine.

This is another shot of the engine. 450 HP of detroit goodnes.

Here is a shot of the interior. He completly redid the whole thing including insturments
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Well I got a dose of reality this morning regarding the Argument. I really want to create a show that is worthy of sending to Sundance. I know that I could shoot it with the available stuff 2 open face lights and a small lowell kit, but the inner Gaffer in me really wants fresnels. There is an indie light / grip company here that will provide me with a pretty decent package lights and grip for 700 bucks for the day. not bad but I still need to find the 700 bucks. My original thinking was somewhere around 2 k for production to cover all this stuff and it does fall into line with that. I will likely need to rent a truck to haul it around in also. If I can come up with the duckets I will be very happy. I even asked our parish priest if the Seattle Archdiocese has an arts grant program. Not likely but its worth a shot. I will also start looking at other grants for $$. the spouse made it very clear that I was in no uncertain terms to run up a credit card balance on this. I am forced to agree.